Toyota of Greensburg

Dec 28, 2016

Tips and Tricks To Improve Fuel Economy in Cold Weather

Winter is here. As we do all we can to stay warm this time of year, cold weather promises more than just cold hands and ugly road conditions in the Greensburg area. Did you know that cold weather can have a negative impact on your fuel economy? When the mercury dips below freezing, it can lower fuel-economy numbers by as much as 12%. Lower temperatures mean it takes your 2017 Toyota RAV4 longer to reach a fuel-efficient temperature, increases engine friction and decreases electrical performance. Check out these simple tips and tricks to improve fuel economy in cold weather this winter at Toyota of Greensburg.

READ MORE: Top 5 Tips and Tricks for Safe Winter Driving

1. Park in the Garage

In cold weather, it takes your vehicle much longer to reach a fuel-efficient temperature. Minimize warm up time and park in the garage. Parking in a warmer location will increase the initial starting temperature of your vehicle and will allow you to reach that fuel-efficient temperature much sooner.

2. Limit Idle Time

Close Up of Fuel Gauge with Dial on EWe understand how tempting it is to let your car run for a few minutes before you head to work in the morning. Save fuel and avoid this practice. When your car is in idle, it is consuming fuel and getting 0 mpg, lowering your overall fuel-economy numbers. Manufacturers recommend warming your car up for just 30 seconds before you hit the road.

3. Combine Trips in Winter Weather

Standard fuel-economy specs will see a 12% decrease when the temperature dips below 20-degrees. When you drive less than five miles in cold weather, that number increases to 22%. Combine trips and day-to-day errands whenever possible this winter and minimize the time that you drive with a cold engine.

4. Check Your Tire Pressure

Did you know that tire pressure will decrease in cold weather? When this occurs, it will increase rolling resistance and have a negative impact on your fuel economy. Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly when the temperature dips and keep it at the recommended levels in order to maximize your fuel economy.

5. Warm Up Your Plug-In Hybrid While Charging

If you drive a hybrid or plug-in hybrid like the 2017 Toyota Prius Prime, you can expect an even higher impact on fuel economy. Alleviate this as much as possible and preheat the car while it is plugged in and charging — this will extend your driving range in cold weather. When driving, use the seat warmers to stay warm rather than the cabin heater, this will limit the energy you use.

READ MORE: Which 2017 Toyota Models Are IIHS Top Safety Picks?

When the temperature plummets this year, do not allow your fuel economy to follow suit and employ these tips and tricks to improve fuel economy in cold weather. Armed with these easy-to-use fuel-economy tips, you can maximize fuel efficiency this winter. If you need a more capable vehicle this winter that is better equipped for cold weather, check out the Toyota of Greensburg inventory.